Jaw pain: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments – Case of the Month

A lady visited US Dental clinic with severe sensitivity in the lower side of the jaw. After an examination, we found that the patient had a deep bite and teeth were also attrited. Patient was already using anti-sensitivity toothpaste but could not get relief. So, we decided to do root canal treatments and to give her crowns.

Because of her deep bite we could not get enough space to give her crowns. Therefore, to get more retention, we decided to go for endocrowns.

How to Relieve That Pain in Your Jaw?

We did RCT on both sides of the first molars. And called patient for the crowns. Patient was asked about the symptoms, and she said that she does not have sensitivity now and she can eat easily. We also decided to give full crowns on premolars on the upper and lower left side of the jaw. These teeth were already treated with RCT.

These are the pictures before cementing the crowns.


Here are the pictures after placing two endocrowns and two full crowns.


We called the patient after a week for follow-up. Patient was satisfied and she can chew everything, and she can have hot and cold drinks also without the fear of sensitivity.

Looking for A Dentist for the Treatment?

US Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad, Gujarat is a world-class dental treatment provider pioneered by American trained and licensed dentists and dental implant surgeon. With state-of-the-art dental & implant centre, US Dental provides US standard quality Root Canal Treatment to all the patients ensuring a great dental treatment experience.

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