Dental Implants to Replace Missing Back Teeth
One young patient visited US Dental clinic with a complaint of improper chewing on the lower right side of the jaw because of two missing teeth. Also, the patient wanted to have fixed teeth and he was not willing to have a removable prosthesis. We decided to do an evaluation by clinical and radiographic examination, and we found that the front teeth are already crowned, and those teeth were not aligned too. So, it was quite difficult to give him a bridge in the support of the front two teeth. The patient’s bone condition was also favorable for dental implants. The patient was ready to get two implants done.
Here is the picture after the completion of implant surgery.
We also have an x-ray after placing two implants.
After completing the healing period (3 months), we took the measurement and placed crowns in the support of two implants.
We have pictures after placing implant supporting crowns. Here are the pictures:
The patient was called after a week for follow up. And he was quite happy because now he can chew on both sides of the jaw. It is always necessary to chew both sides of the jaw. Unilateral chewing can damage the condition of teeth and gums also. Therefore, replacement of missing teeth is crucial for proper functioning of teeth and oral hygiene
Looking for A Dentist for the Treatment?
US Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad, Gujarat is a world-class dental treatment provider pioneered by American trained and licensed dentists and dental implant surgeon. With state-of-the-art dental & implant centre, US Dental provides US standard quality Root Canal Treatment to all the patients ensuring a great dental treatment experience.
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