Chewing gum !! A name that spells watery in every one’s mouth. Especially for children. But have you ever thought that chewing gum is beneficial for your health or not. The answer is very short and sweet ‘yes it is’. But there are many other things to be taken into consideration:
1) Which type of chewing gums are best : Chewing gums are good but if they are seal packed.Scientists have approved that the gums which are ADA approved sealed packed are safe and effective for teeth.
2) How it works : Our teeth are more prone to risk of acid attack after meals. Plaque bacteria and sugars in our food and drink produce acid which slowly dissolves the enamel and dentin of the tooth leading to hole / cavity / tooth decay. (Plaque is the thin, sticky film that keeps forming on your teeth. It contains many types of bacteria which can cause tooth decay and gum disease.)
Chewing gum increases the flow of saliva, serving as natural defense against tooth decay, which in turn helps to neutralize acids. Studies have shown that Chewing gum shows its best results when chewed for 20 minutes after meals.
Thus, when it may not be possible to brush with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, chewing sugar-free gum helps to protect your teeth and gums in between meals.
3) Does Chewing gum replace brushing or flossing : Never let chewing gums replace brushing or flossing. It is recommended to brush twice daily and floss after meals to maintain teeth and gums healthy.
4) Sugar vs. Sugar free : Sugar-free chewing gum tends to be the best for teeth as it contains sugar type sweetener- xylitol which is no more beneficial for bacteria forming plaque.
In chewing gums containing sugar, bacteria utilize the sugar to build up plaque thus leading to increased tooth decay. Sugar free chewing gum also helps in maintaining the tooth mineralization and reducing the dryness of mouth.
So, children… Be happy as parents are going to allow to have chewing gums.
But Parents, make sure that children are chewing sugar free gums and that too are seal packed and ADA approved.
After all,“Prevention is better than cure” But don’t forget to visit your dentist regularly for maintenance of healthy teeth and gums as it says “Smile begins where Healing Begins”.