What is the best treatment option for a loose tooth?

A male Patient visited US Dental clinic in Ahmedabad with a chief complaint of multiple loose teeth with gums infection. Patient was not able to chew his food due to pain from chewing.

Dental problems you might be facing while chewing your food

On examination teeth were not savable due to bone loss. Possible treatment was total extraction followed by removable complete/full denture, semi fixed over denture and implant supported fixed denture/fixed teeth. All treatment options are explained to the patient in detail with pros and cons.

How to treat a loose tooth in adults?

The patient is younger and wants to have fixed teeth, so he chooses to go with dental implants supporting fixed dentures. Patient was advised for an upper and lower jaw CT scan for implant planning and premeasurement is taken to make a 3d guide for implant surgery. Patient was anxious about treatment, so he also wanted to carry out the procedure under IV Sedation for more comfort and painless dental implant treatment at our clinic in Ahmedabad.

On the day of surgery, the patient was instructed for premedication and fasting for 4 to 5 hours prior to surgery as the patient was to get an Intravenous sedation. Upper four and lower five Nobel Active dental implants were placed under local anesthesia and measurements were taken for temporary denture. Temporary dentures were given within a week.

Patient was advised to visit for final denture after 3 to 4 months once the dental implants integrate with bone.

Once the patient came back, we started with measurement. Final denture fabrication needs 5 to 6 visits as it involves multiple trials and steps. Final dentures were fixed with screws and a nightguard was given to the patient.

Before and After – Loose Tooth: Pain, Adults, and Treatment

best treatment option

best treatment option

best treatment option

best treatment option

best treatment option

best treatment option

Patient is happy with his new teeth and smile.

Visit US Dental clinic in Ahmedabad today to get consultation for dental implants and get a new smile. We specialize in doing all on four Dental implants in Ahmedabad to give you fixed dentures/ fixed teeth which look and feel just like natural teeth!

Looking for a specialist to give you a fuss-free dental implant treatment?

US Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad, Gujarat is a world-class dental treatment provider pioneered by American trained and licensed dentists and dental implant surgeon. With state of the art dental & implant centre, we provide US standard quality dental care to all the patients ensuring a great dental treatment experience.

We look forward to hearing from you. Contact Us Today!

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