Smile designing is a cosmetic dental procedure which artistically improves your smile in a most natural way. Smile designing includes teeth whitening, veneers, fillings, etc. A cosmetic dentist will closely evaluate your case and will plan accordingly to rejuvenate your smile.
Today, we are sharing one of the smile designing case implemented at US dental.
The case is about a 32-year male patient, who wanted to change his smile for his wedding (which was after a month from the date he contacted us). He complained of the gap and giant tooth size.
On evaluation, we found that the patient had no missing teeth. But had an abnormal size of two central incisors. So, after assessment, we came to conclusion that the patient needs to undergo a root canal treatment for two front teeth and then dental veneers.Through the treatment phase, the patient was happy with his look. On the day of final dental veneer cementation, patient was extremely pleased to have the new smile.
Thus, the patient was completely ready for his wedding. All his worries and anxiety which was there before the treatment had been converted into full confidence and positivity.
To know more, contact US Dental Clinic for details.
Us Dental rejuvenates your old smile with the latest technology and experienced dental surgeons.