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Yellow teeth are not a great look in appearance

Teeth discoloration is mainly a cosmetic problem that occurs when the enamel (the hard, outer surface of the tooth) or the dentin (the layer below the enamel) become discoloured or stained.


Causes of discoloured teeth

1. External factors
causing staining of the outer layer of the tooth and include smoking, beverages such as coffee, wine, cola or foods such as apples or potatoes.
2. Internal factors
causing staining of the outer layer of the tooth and include smoking, beverages such as coffee, wine, cola or foods such as apples or potatoes.

1. Excessive exposure of fluoride during the childhood
2. Using tetracycline antibiotic
3. Dental trauma in a young child causing damage to the developing permanent tooth
4. Systemic diseases or illnesses during tooth formation

Treatment of Teeth Discolouration

Choice of treatment usually depends upon the cause of tooth discoloration.
Treatments options range from and are not limited to:

The professionals at US dental are highly qualified and equipped with latest technology to diagnose and treat the toothache. After thorough clinical assessment aided by X ray examinations, diagnosis of toothache is established and the treatment is rendered to alleviate the tooth pain.