Taking good care of your dental implants is vital for long-term success. With proper home care and professional maintenance, your new teeth can last for life. Well-placed and cared for dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime.
Good oral hygiene is must before, during and after placement of dental implants to ensure the health of the implants. Caring for teeth restored with dental implants is just like caring for your natural teeth.
Dental implants are made from synthetic materials, so they are not affected by tooth decay. However, gum health is important for long-term implant success.
Top Oral Care Tips for DENTAL IMPLANTS
Most dental implants are successful, and there are a few steps you can take to help ensure success and make your implant last.
- Practice good oral hygiene – brush twice a day and floss once daily.
Using inter-dental brushes, brushes that slide between teeth, can help clean the hard to reach areas around your implant.
Dental implants are easy to clean if you follow a few simple techniques. A manual, power, or sonic toothbrush with soft bristles and a water flosser with the Plaque Seeker tip can clean around implants above the gum line.
- Quit smoking – smoking can weaken the bone structure and can contribute to implant failure.
- Avoid chewing on hard foods – don’t chew on hard items such as ice and hard candy because they can break the crown and your natural teeth.
- Visit your dentist – cleanings and exams every six months can help ensure your implant is in good condition, and that it stays that way.
“MORE than just a cleaning’’ can add years to your smile!
To know more about Dental Implant visit US Dental or call on – +91-8980623275/+91-79-29701000.
Stay happy, Stay Smiling!